I should know better. Anything that involves Microsoft will either work out of the box or be a world of pain.
The problem...
My problem today is in setting up a virtual Linux desktop with AD authentication. The fact that its a virtual desktop rather than a physical one shouldn't be relevant. Of course it doesn't help that AD instance I'm connecting to is very temperamental. Its full of broken GPOs and the reverse DNS doesn't work. But mostly my gripe is about xrdp (and the hundreds of people who regurgitate the same simple fixes without any links to authoritative resources).
I got the box up and running. Xrdp was working with local Unix accounts. I joined the host to AD. Xrdp still works with local accounts. I could ssh to the host with a MS-AD account. But xrdp with a MS-AD account failed with "xrdp: login failed for display 0".
You'll find lots of "fixes" for this in Google (without any diagnostics). This message is reported when anything goes wrong - things which are specific to xrdp, and other things:
- wrong username/password
- a username starting with a digit
- X server not running
- permissions for the user account
- connecting with too great a bit-depth for some servers
- too many sessions already connected
- firewall blocking access to AD Global catalog
- other stuff
So here's what I did:
Read the log files
Check pam authentication config
Disabled Manadatory Access control
Feb 10 12:28:47 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[DEBUG] xrdp_wm_log_msg: connecting to sesman ip port 3350
Feb 10 12:28:47 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp-sesman[608]: (608)(140486245402176)[INFO ] A connection received from ::1 port 41674
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: sesman connect ok
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[DEBUG] xrdp_wm_log_msg: sending login info to session manager, please wait...
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[DEBUG] return value from xrdp_mm_connect 0
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user systemd[1]: Started SSSD NSS Service responder.
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user sssd[nss]: Starting up
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user systemd[1]: Starting SSSD PAM Service responder...
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user systemd[1]: Started SSSD PAM Service responder.
Feb 10 12:28:48 dev-d02-pg-user sssd[pam]: Starting up
Feb 10 12:28:51 dev-d02-pg-user systemd[1]: Starting SSSD PAC Service responder...
Feb 10 12:28:51 dev-d02-pg-user systemd[1]: Started SSSD PAC Service responder.
Feb 10 12:28:51 dev-d02-pg-user sssd[pac]: Starting up
Feb 10 12:28:52 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp-sesman[608]: (608)(140486245402176)[DEBUG] Closed socket 9 (AF_INET6 ::1 port 3350)
Feb 10 12:28:52 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[INFO ] xrdp_wm_log_msg: login failed for display 0
Feb 10 12:28:52 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[DEBUG] xrdp_mm_module_cleanup
Feb 10 12:28:52 dev-d02-pg-user xrdp[959]: (959)(139750112610112)[DEBUG] Closed socket 16 (AF_INET6 ::1 port 41674)
Log files again
(Permission denied)
[20210210-13:55:15] [INFO ] ++ created session (access granted): username symcbean.in.msad, ip ::ffff: - socket: 12
[20210210-13:55:15] [INFO ] starting Xorg session...
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 14 (AF_INET6 :: port 5910)
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 14 (AF_INET6 :: port 6010)
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 14 (AF_INET6 :: port 6210)
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 9 (AF_INET6 ::1 port 3350)
[20210210-13:55:15] [INFO ] calling auth_start_session from pid 951
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 8 (AF_INET6 ::1 port 3350)
[20210210-13:55:15] [DEBUG] Closed socket 9 (AF_INET6 ::1 port 3350)
[20210210-13:55:25] [ERROR] X server for display 10 startup timeout
[20210210-13:55:25] [ERROR] X server for display 10 startup timeout
[20210210-13:55:25] [ERROR] another Xserver might already be active on display 10 - see log
[20210210-13:55:25] [CORE ] waiting for window manager (pid 964) to exit
[20210210-13:55:25] [DEBUG] aborting connection...
[20210210-13:55:25] [CORE ] window manager (pid 964) did exit, cleaning up session
[20210210-13:55:25] [INFO ] calling auth_stop_session and auth_end from pid 951
[20210210-13:55:25] [INFO ] shutting down sesman 1
[20210210-13:55:25] [DEBUG] cleanup_sockets:
[20210210-13:55:25] [INFO ] ++ terminated session: username symcbean.in.msad, display :10.0, session_pid 951, ip ::ffff: - socket: 12
Partial Solution
- https://superuser.com/questions/1264096/xrdp-rejecting-login
- https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxadmin/comments/js3grq/pam_sss_sshdaccount_access_denied_for_user_ad/
- https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2187581 (paywalled)
- https://listman.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-users/2015-March/msg00489.html
- https://thornelabs.net/posts/rhel-6-fix-xrdp-error-another-xserver-is-already-active-on-display-10.html (probably not my issue since it works with a local account, although it might be due to missing config in $HOME)
Found this solution (worked for me):
ReplyDelete"I managed to fix this problem by editing the /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini file and commenting out the requirement to group membership. Now you can access all accounts."